
v-ray frame buffer - 2nd lesson

in the name of allah ...

this will be the second v-ray lesson in this series ...


v-ray frame buffer

Show last VFB - If you have rendered to the V-Ray VFB, but have closed it, this button allows you to open it again. The same can also be achieved with the showLastVFB ...


Enable built-in frame buffer - Enables the use of built-in V-Ray frame buffer. Due to technical reasons, the original 3ds Max frame buffer still exists and is being created. However, when this feature is turned on - V-Ray will not render any data to the 3ds Max frame buffer. In order to preserve memory consumption we recommend that you set the original 3ds Max resolution to a very low value (like 100x100) and turn off the 3ds Max Virtual Frame Buffer from the common 3ds Max render settings ...


Render to memory frame buffer - this will create a V-Ray frame buffer and will use it to store color data that you can observe while rendering and afterwards. If you wish to render really high resolutions that would not fit into memory or that may eat up a lot of your RAM not allowing for the scene to render properly - you can turn this feature off and use only Render to V-Ray raw image file feature ...


Get resolution from 3ds Max - this will cause the V-Ray VFB to take its resolution from the 3ds Max common render settings ...


Output resolution - this is the resolution that you wish to use with the V-Ray frame buffer ...

Pixel aspect - specifies the pixel aspect for the rendered image in the V-Ray frame buffer ...

Render to V-Ray image file - when this is on, V-Ray directly writes to disk the raw image data as it is being rendered. It does not store any data in the RAM, so this feature is very handy when rendering huge resolutions for preserving memory. If you wish to see what is being rendered, you can turn on the Generate preview setting. You can specify either a .vrimg or an .exr file for output ...


Generate preview - this will create a small preview of what is being rendered. If you are not using the V-Ray memory frame buffer for conserving memory (i.e. Render to memory frame buffer is off), you can use this feature to see a small image of what is being actually rendered and stop the renderer if there is anything that looks wrong ...


Save separate render channels - this option allows you to save the channels from the VFB into separate files. Use the Browse... button to specify the file. This option is available only when rendering to a memory frame buffer. If rendering is done only to a raw image file, the render channels can be extracted from that file after rendering is complete ...


Save RGB and Save Alpha - these options allow you to disable saving of the RGB and Alpha channels respectively. This can be useful if you only want to generate other render channels. Note that V-Ray will still generate the RGB and Alpha channels, however they will not be saved ...


that was a brief explaining to the frame buffer features wish u make use of it ...


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developed by ebraheem imam